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What about income tax on royalties?
  • What does the publishing fee include?
    The fee includes:
    - editorial review - we check if your book is correctly prepared
    - cover preparation
    - cost of printing and delivery of author's copies as well as books for the libraries and a few spare copies for us.
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  • What will be the edition size of my book?
    Your book will be printed \"on demand\" when ordered at My Book bookstore. Thus, the edition size is practically infinite.
  • Where will my book be available for sale?
    All books published by My Book are available for sale in our online bookstore mybook.pl.
  • How long will my book be available at the My Book bookstore?
    It will be specified in your publishing agreement. It may be a for few years as well as an indefinite time. We don't charge any maintenance fee.
  • What kind of contract does My Book sign with Authors?
    Author grant us a so-called non-exclusive licence. This means that the Author retains all rights to his book and can publish it elsewhere with no obligation to My Book.
  • What is ISBN and what are the advantages of getting it?
    ISBN stands for \"International Standard Book Numbering\", a system by which every title or edition of a title is given a unique recognition code. In Poland it is provided by the National Library in Warsaw.
    Click here to find more about ISBN.
  • What about income tax on royalties?
    According to the Polish tax law the Publisher is obliged to withhold an income tax of 20%.
Dwa światy Ireny
Dwa światy Ireny
Henryk Karol Skiba

Book review: Historia pewnej miłości, której żadna siła nie potrafiła zniszczyć
Leo Heide

book review by Piotr Wojciechowski "Technologia zmartwychwstania i zła nowina", WYSPA literary quarterly (no 4, (16) December 2010, pages 104-108
Sarmaty i Scyty
Sarmaty i Scyty
Zbysław Śmigielski

novel awarded second prize in the contest name of Stefan Żeromski, organized by the Association of Polish Writers
Charaktery, charakterki
Charaktery, charakterki
Czesław Matusewicz
Buszujący w czasie
Buszujący w czasie
Marek Pełka
Dzieci hanyski
Dzieci hanyski
Helena Buchner (Leonia)
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