My Book is providing publishing services since 2004. We have already published 376 books. We offer a fast and author-friendly publishing path.
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We pay you royalties equal to 20% of the net paperback price and 40% in the case of ebook. At any time you can check how much you have earned - the sales statements are available online.
Your book may be published within 3 months, or even sooner.
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W kręgu zła Sylwia Milczarczyk
Book review on Horror Online
Kolej retro w opowiadaniach, przysłowiach i anegdotach Zdzisław Świerk
book fragment at Wolna Droga
Zdrajca Leo Heide
book review by Piotr Wojciechowski "Technologia zmartwychwstania i zła nowina", WYSPA literary quarterly (no 4, (16) December 2010, pages 104-108